Saturday 13 January 2007

and so to bed...

The weather has been so awful just lately hasn't it?! Gales and rainstorms have lashed us from all sides and it's been so dark and dreary! I must admit, I've found it very hard to leave my bed in the mornings. On one such typical morning this week, as I was lying there with the sheet pulled up under my chin listening to the rain lashing against the window pane, I found myself musing about bed linen...

For some time now, especially since I've been buying and selling textiles, I have been using vintage linens, eiderdowns, blankets and quilts on my beds. The 'continental duvet' has been cast out and I can honestly say it will never return! There is nothing nicer than climbing into a freshly-made bed when you have crisp cotton or linen sheets and pillowcases - it's just delightful! I have never been warmer and cosier since layering the bed with Comfy quilts and Witney blankets - ooh such comfort! Even the bed in the guest room enjoys the same vintage warmth!

Eiderdowns are perfect for those really chilly nights and layering with sheets, blankets and quilts mean you can quickly adjust to the changing temperature of our fickle English weather!

All that talk of bed and cosiness has made me quite sleepy! I think maybe an early night is in order. Now, where's that hot water bottle...?!

Sweet dreams everyone!

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