Tuesday 26 July 2011

Top Ranked 100 Directors, 2011 Edition

Top Ranked Directors of All Time

Based on our compendium of all polls,  2011 update edition, the Top Ranked 1000 Films of All Time

[For these rankings, we only included the top 1000 films]

Updated 8.11.11

Ranked By Total Points

Hitchcock with James Stewart

Rank - Director - #Films (Top 100) - Total Pts – [Avg per film]

1. Hitchcock, Alfred 14 (5) 64881 [4634]

2. Kubrick, Stanley 11 (6) 57302 [5209]

3. Scorsese, Martin 13 (3) 54060 [4158]

4. Kurosawa, Akira 11 (3) 47529 [4321]

5. Godard, Jean-Luc 12 (1) 41002 [3417]

6. Bergman, Ingmar 12 (3) 40929 [3411]

7. Spielberg, Steven 7 (3) 38147 [5450]

8. Chaplin, Charles 8 (3) 37417 [4677]

9. Fellini, Federico 9 (2) 35022 [3891]

10. Coppola, Francis Ford 4 (3) 32229 [8057]

11. Ford, John 10 (1) 32107 [3211]

12. Wilder, Billy 7 (4) 31120 [4446]

13. Buñuel, Luis 10 (1) 31040 [3104]

14. Welles, Orson 6 (2) 27256 [4543]

15. Coen, Joel and Ethan 10 (1) 26803 [2680]

16. Bresson, Robert 8 (1) 25877 [3235]

17. Polanski, Roman 5 (1) 25530 [5106]

18. Hawks, Howard 8 (0) 25343 [3168]

19. Keaton, Buster (some shared) 7 (2) 22817 [3260]

20. Allen, Woody 6 (2) 22541 [3757]

21. Tarantino, Quentin 5 (1) 22495 [4499]

22. Tarkovsky, Andrei 7 (0) 21663 [3095]

23. Renoir, Jean 8 (1) 21372 [2672]

24. Leone, Sergio 4 (2) 21210 [5303]

25. Lang, Fritz 4 (2) 21131 [5283]

26. Antonioni, Michelangelo 6 (0) 21045 [3508]

27. Scott, Ridley 4 (2) 20824 [5206]

28. Truffaut, François 5 (2) 20408 [4082]

29. Lynch, David 6 (0) 20400 [3400]

30. Dreyer, Carl Theodor 5 (1) 19997 [3999]

31. Cameron, James 5 (1) 19369 [3874]

32. Altman, Robert 7 (0) 19243 [2749]

33. Powell, Michael (some shared) 8 (0) 19155 [2394]

34. Eastwood, Clint 5 (1) 18885 [3777]

35. Capra, Frank 4 (1) 18411 [4603]

36. Eisenstein, Sergei 7 (0) 18094 [2585]

37. Murnau, F.W. 5 (1) 18076 [3615]

38. Visconti, Luchino 8 (0) 17919 [2240]

39. Huston, John 5 (1) 17680 [3536]

40. Lumet, Sidney 5 (0) 17393 [3479]

41. Lucas, George 3 (2) 17171 [5724]

42. Jackson, Peter 3 (2) 17076 [5692]

43. Nolan, Christopher 5 (0) 16073 [3215]

44. De Sica, Vittorio 3 (2) 15777 [5259]

45. Mizoguchi, Kenji 5 (1) 15534 [3107]

46. Bertolucci, Bernardo 5 (0) 15127 [3025]

47. Fleming, Victor 2 (1) 15032 [7516]

48. Forman, Milos 3 (2) 14737 [4912]

49. Rossellini, Roberto 6 (0) 14671 [2445]

50. Kieslowski, Krszystof 6 (0) 14576 [2429]

51. Gilliam, Terry 4 (1) 14392 [3598]

52. Anderson, Paul Thomas 4 (0) 13990 [3498]

53. Kazan, Elia 3 (1) 13688 [4563]

54. Malick, Terrence 4 (0) 13683 [3421]

55. Herzog, Werner 5 (1) 13638 [2728]

56. Almodóvar, Pedro 5 (0) 13429 [2686]

57. Griffith, D.W. 3 (0) 13198 [4399]

58. Resnais, Alain 5 (0) 13162 [2632]

59. Sturges, Preston 4 (0) 13154 [3289]

60. Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 6 (0) 12837 [2140]

61. Lasseter, John 3 (1) 12806 [4269]

62. Fincher, David 4 (0) 12755 [3189]

63. Ozu, Yasuhiro 4 (1) 12735 [3184]

64. Cassavetes, John 5 (0) 12669 [2534]

65. Kiarostami, Abbas 7 (0) 12625 [1804]

66. Curtiz, Michael 3 (1) 12398 [4133]

67. McCarey, Leo 4 (1) 11916 [2979]

68. Reed, Carol 3 (1) 11909 [3970]

69. Lubitsch, Ernst 5 (0) 11597 [2319]

70. Cronenberg, David 6 (0) 11293 [1882]

71. Wenders, Wim 4 (0) 11082 [2771]

72. Demme, Jonathan 4 (1) 10819 [2705]

73. Melville, Jean-Pierre 4 (0) 10778 [2695]

74. Ray, Nicholas 4 (0) 10267 [2567]

75. Tati, Jacques 3 (0) 10100 [3367]

76. Sirk, Douglas 3 (0) 10048 [3349]

77. Clouzot, Henri-Georges 3 (0) 10033 [3344]

78. Ray, Satyajit 5 (1) 9953 [1991]

79. Boyle, Danny 3 (0) 9917 [3306]

80. Aronofsky, Darren 3 (0) 9885 [3295]

81. Peckinpah, Sam 4 (0) 9876 [2469]

82. Zemeckis, Robert 3 (0) 9822 [3274]

83. Friedkin, William 2 (1) 9575 [4788]

84. Roeg, Nicolas 4 (0) 9472 [2368]

85. Minnelli, Vincente 5 (0) 9392 [1878]

86. Bird, Brad 3 (0) 9188 [3063]

87. Reiner, Rob 3 (0) 9078 [3026]

88. Donen, Stanley & Gene Kelly 2 (1) 8908 [4454]

89. Laughton, Charles 1 (1) 8796 [8796]

90. Stanton, Andrew 2 (0) 8535 [4268]

91. Anderson, Wes 4 (0) 8524 [2131]

92. Nichols, Mike 2 (1) 8476 [4238]

93. Lee, Ang 3 (0) 8153 [2718]

94. Lee, Spike 3 (0) 8099 [2700]

95. Zinnemann, Fred 4 (0) 7846 [1962]

96. De Palma, Brian 3 (0) 7725 [2575]

97. Cocteau, Jean 3 (0) 7611 [2537]

98. von Stroheim, Erich 3 (0) 7565 [2522]

99. Cukor, George 3 (0) 7191 [2397]

100. Hill, George Roy 2 (0) 7152 [3576]

101. Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1 (1) 7138 [7138]

102. von Sternberg, Josef 3 (0) 7094 [2365]

103. Leigh, Mike 3 (0) 7063 [2354]

104. Jarmusch, Jim 3 (0) 6706 [2235]

105. Cuarón, Alfonso 2 (0) 6643 [3322]

106. Van Sant, Gus 4 (0) 6641 [1660]

107. Pontecorvo, Gillo 1 (1) 6595 [6595]

108. Hanson, Curtis 1 (1) 6589 [6589]

109. Mann, Michael 2 (0) 6467 [3234]

110. Tourneur, Jacques 3 (0) 6365 [2122]

111. Demy, Jacques 2 (0) 6351 [3176]

[I went a few beyond 100 to show those that are close behind. Only Laughton and Manckiewicz made the top 100 with only one film listed]

Listed Directors, Titles in Top 1000: 540

Listed Directors, Titles in Top 100: 90

Avg Pts per ranked director: 16,929

Avg Pts per ranked director's film: 3,599

Alphabetical By Director

"My only regret in life is that I'm not somebody else" - Woody Allen

Rank - Director - #Films (Top 100) - Total Pts – [Avg per film]

20. Allen, Woody 6 (2) 22541 [3757]

56. Almodóvar, Pedro 5 (0) 13429 [2686]

32. Altman, Robert 7 (0) 19243 [2749]

52. Anderson, Paul Thomas 4 (0) 13990 [3498]

90. Anderson, Wes 4 (0) 8524 [2131]

26. Antonioni, Michelangelo 6 (0) 21045 [3508]

79. Aronofsky, Darren 3 (0) 9885 [3295]

6. Bergman, Ingmar 12 (3) 40929 [3411]

46. Bertolucci, Bernardo 5 (0) 15127 [3025]

85. Bird, Brad 3 (0) 9188 [3063]

78. Boyle, Danny 3 (0) 9917 [3306]

16. Bresson, Robert 8 (1) 25877 [3235]

13. Buñuel, Luis 10 (1) 31040 [3104]

31. Cameron, James 5 (1) 19369 [3874]

35. Capra, Frank 4 (1) 18411 [4603]

63. Cassavetes, John 5 (0) 12669 [2534]

8. Chaplin, Charles 8 (3) 37417 [4677]

76. Clouzot, Henri-Georges 3 (0) 10033 [3344]

96. Cocteau, Jean 3 (0) 7611 [2537]

15. Coen, Joel and Ethan 10 (1) 26803 [2680]

10. Coppola, Francis Ford 4 (3) 32229 [8057]

69. Cronenberg, David 6 (0) 11293 [1882]

104. Cuarón, Alfonso 2 (0) 6643 [3322]

98. Cukor, George 3 (0) 7191 [2397]

65. Curtiz, Michael 3 (1) 12398 [4133]

95. De Palma, Brian 3 (0) 7725 [2575]

44. De Sica, Vittorio 3 (2) 15777 [5259]

71. Demme, Jonathan 4 (1) 10819 [2705]

110. Demy, Jacques 2 (0) 6351 [3176]

87. Donen, Stanley & Gene Kelly 2 (1) 8908 [4454]

30. Dreyer, Carl Theodor 5 (1) 19997 [3999]

34. Eastwood, Clint 5 (1) 18885 [3777]

36. Eisenstein, Sergei 7 (0) 18094 [2585]

60. Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 6 (0) 12837 [2140]

9. Fellini, Federico 9 (2) 35022 [3891]

62. Fincher, David 4 (0) 12755 [3189]

47. Fleming, Victor 2 (1) 15032 [7516]

11. Ford, John 10 (1) 32107 [3211]

48. Forman, Milos 3 (2) 14737 [4912]

82. Friedkin, William 2 (1) 9575 [4788]

51. Gilliam, Terry 4 (1) 14392 [3598]

5. Godard, Jean-Luc 12 (1) 41002 [3417]

57. Griffith, D.W. 3 (0) 13198 [4399]

107. Hanson, Curtis 1 (1) 6589 [6589]

18. Hawks, Howard 8 (0) 25343 [3168]

55. Herzog, Werner 5 (1) 13638 [2728]

99. Hill, George Roy 2 (0) 7152 [3576]

1. Hitchcock, Alfred 14 (5) 64881 [4634]

39. Huston, John 5 (1) 17680 [3536]

42. Jackson, Peter 3 (2) 17076 [5692]

103. Jarmusch, Jim 3 (0) 6706 [2235]

53. Kazan, Elia 3 (1) 13688 [4563]

19. Keaton, Buster (some shared) 7 (2) 22817 [3260]

64. Kiarostami, Abbas 7 (0) 12625 [1804]

50. Kieslowski, Krszystof 6 (0) 14576 [2429]

2. Kubrick, Stanley 11 (6) 57302 [5209]

4. Kurosawa, Akira 11 (3) 47529 [4321]

25. Lang, Fritz 4 (2) 21131 [5283]

61. Lasseter, John 3 (1) 12806 [4269]

88. Laughton, Charles 1 (1) 8796 [8796]

92. Lee, Ang 3 (0) 8153 [2718]

93. Lee, Spike 3 (0) 8099 [2700]

102. Leigh, Mike 3 (0) 7063 [2354]

24. Leone, Sergio 4 (2) 21210 [5303]

68. Lubitsch, Ernst 5 (0) 11597 [2319]

41. Lucas, George 3 (2) 17171 [5724]

40. Lumet, Sidney 5 (0) 17393 [3479]

29. Lynch, David 6 (0) 20400 [3400]

54. Malick, Terrence 4 (0) 13683 [3421]

100. Mankiewicz, Joseph L. 1 (1) 7138 [7138]

108. Mann, Michael 2 (0) 6467 [3234]

66. McCarey, Leo 4 (1) 11916 [2979]

72. Melville, Jean-Pierre 4 (0) 10778 [2695]

84. Minnelli, Vincente 5 (0) 9392 [1878]

45. Mizoguchi, Kenji 5 (1) 15534 [3107]

37. Murnau, F.W. 5 (1) 18076 [3615]

91. Nichols, Mike 2 (1) 8476 [4238]

43. Nolan, Christopher 5 (0) 16073 [3215]

63. Ozu, Yasuhiro 4 (1) 12735 [3184]

80. Peckinpah, Sam 4 (0) 9876 [2469]

17. Polanski, Roman 5 (1) 25530 [5106]

106. Pontecorvo, Gillo 1 (1) 6595 [6595]

33. Powell, Michael (some shared) 8 (0) 19155 [2394]

73. Ray, Nicholas 4 (0) 10267 [2567]

77. Ray, Satyajit 5 (1) 9953 [1991]

67. Reed, Carol 3 (1) 11909 [3970]

86. Reiner, Rob 3 (0) 9078 [3026]

23. Renoir, Jean 8 (1) 21372 [2672]

58. Resnais, Alain 5 (0) 13162 [2632]

83. Roeg, Nicolas 4 (0) 9472 [2368]

49. Rossellini, Roberto 6 (0) 14671 [2445]

3. Scorsese, Martin 13 (3) 54060 [4158]

27. Scott, Ridley 4 (2) 20824 [5206]

75. Sirk, Douglas 3 (0) 10048 [3349]

7. Spielberg, Steven 7 (3) 38147 [5450]

89. Stanton, Andrew 2 (0) 8535 [4268]

59. Sturges, Preston 4 (0) 13154 [3289]

21. Tarantino, Quentin 5 (1) 22495 [4499]

22. Tarkovsky, Andrei 7 (0) 21663 [3095]

74. Tati, Jacques 3 (0) 10100 [3367]

109. Tourneur, Jacques 3 (0) 6365 [2122]

28. Truffaut, François 5 (2) 20408 [4082]

105. Van Sant, Gus 4 (0) 6641 [1660]

38. Visconti, Luchino 8 (0) 17919 [2240]

101. von Sternberg, Josef 3 (0) 7094 [2365]

97. von Stroheim, Erich 3 (0) 7565 [2522]

14. Welles, Orson 6 (2) 27256 [4543]

70. Wenders, Wim 4 (0) 11082 [2771]

12. Wilder, Billy 7 (4) 31120 [4446]

81. Zemeckis, Robert 3 (0) 9822 [3274]

94. Zinnemann, Fred 4 (0) 7846 [1962]

Some are woefully underranked: Fritz Lang at 25th, Eisenstein at 36th, Michael Powell at 33rd, Elia Kazan at 53rd (baffling), Ozu at 63rd, De Sica at 44th, Lubitsch at 68th (!), Cukor at 98th, Von Sternberg at 101st (not even the top 100?). I'm sure most of these were hurt by being bypassed in the popular polls, and only scoring on the critics polls.

Ranked by Avg Per Film (2+ films only)

Peter Jackson's first film, Heavenly Creatures

Director - # Films [Avg/Film]

1. Coppola, Francis Ford 4 [8057]

2. Fleming, Victor 2 [7516]

3. Lucas, George 3 [5724]

4. Jackson, Peter 3 [5692]

5. Spielberg, Steven 7 [5450]

6. Leone, Sergio 4 [5303]

7. Lang, Fritz 4 [5283]

8. De Sica, Vittorio 3 [5259]

9. Kubrick, Stanley 11 [5209]

10. Scott, Ridley 4 [5206]

11. Polanski, Roman 5 [5106]

12. Forman, Milos 3 [4912]

13. Friedkin, William 2 [4788]

14. Chaplin, Charles 8 [4677]

15. Hitchcock, Alfred 14 [4634]

16. Capra, Frank 4 [4603]

17. Kazan, Elia 3 [4563]

18. Welles, Orson 6 [4543]

19. Tarantino, Quentin 5 [4499]

20. Donen, Stanley & Gene Kelly 2 [4454]

21. Wilder, Billy 7 [4446]

22. Griffith, D.W. 3 [4399]

23. Kurosawa, Akira 11 [4321]

24. Lasseter, John 3 [4269]

25. Stanton, Andrew 2 [4268]

26. Nichols, Mike 2 [4238]

27. Scorsese, Martin 13 [4158]

28. Curtiz, Michael 3 [4133]

29. Truffaut, François 5 [4082]

30. Dreyer, Carl Theodor 5 [3999]

31. Reed, Carol 3 [3970]

32. Fellini, Federico 9 [3891]

33. Cameron, James 5 [3874]

34. Eastwood, Clint 5 [3777]

35. Allen, Woody 6 [3757]

36. Murnau, F.W. 5 [3615]

37. Gilliam, Terry 4 [3598]

38. Hill, George Roy 2 [3576]

39. Huston, John 5 [3536]

40. Antonioni, Michelangelo 6 [3508]

41. Anderson, Paul Thomas 4 [3498]

42. Lumet, Sidney 5 [3479]

43. Malick, Terrence 4 [3421]

44. Godard, Jean-Luc 12 [3417]

45. Bergman, Ingmar 12 [3411]

46. Lynch, David 6 [3400]

47. Tati, Jacques 3 [3367]

48. Sirk, Douglas 3 [3349]

49. Clouzot, Henri-Georges 3 [3344]

50. Cuarón, Alfonso 2 [3322]

51. Boyle, Danny 3 [3306]

52. Aronofsky, Darren 3 [3295]

53. Sturges, Preston 4 [3289]

54. Zemeckis, Robert 3 [3274]

55. Keaton, Buster (some shared) 7 [3260]

56. Bresson, Robert 8 [3235]

57. Mann, Michael 2 [3234]

58. Nolan, Christopher 5 [3215]

59. Ford, John 10 [3211]

60. Fincher, David 4 [3189]

61. Ozu, Yasuhiro 4 [3184]

62. Demy, Jacques 2 [3176]

63. Hawks, Howard 8 [3168]

64. Mizoguchi, Kenji 5 [3107]

65. Buñuel, Luis 10 [3104]

66. Tarkovsky, Andrei 7 [3095]

67. Bird, Brad 3 [3063]

68. Reiner, Rob 3 [3026]

69. Bertolucci, Bernardo 5 [3025]

70. McCarey, Leo 4 [2979]

71. Wenders, Wim 4 [2771]

72. Altman, Robert 7 [2749]

73. Herzog, Werner 5 [2728]

74. Lee, Ang 3 [2718]

75. Demme, Jonathan 4 [2705]

76. Lee, Spike 3 [2700]

77. Melville, Jean-Pierre 4 [2695]

78. Almodóvar, Pedro 5 [2686]

79. Coen, Joel and Ethan 10 [2680]

80. Renoir, Jean 8 [2672]

81. Resnais, Alain 5 [2632]

82. Eisenstein, Sergei 7 [2585]

83. De Palma, Brian 3 [2575]

84. Ray, Nicholas 4 [2567]

85. Cocteau, Jean 3 [2537]

86. Cassavetes, John 5 [2534]

87. von Stroheim, Erich 3 [2522]

88. Peckinpah, Sam 4 [2469]

89. Rossellini, Roberto 6 [2445]

90. Kieslowski, Krszystof 6 [2429]

91. Cukor, George 3 [2397]

92. Powell, Michael (some shared) 8 [2394]

93. Roeg, Nicolas 4 [2368]

94. von Sternberg, Josef 3 [2365]

95. Leigh, Mike 3 [2354]

96. Lubitsch, Ernst 5 [2319]

97. Visconti, Luchino 8 [2240]

98. Jarmusch, Jim 3 [2235]

99. Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 6 [2140]

100. Anderson, Wes 4 [2131]

101. Tourneur, Jacques 3 [2122]

102. Ray, Satyajit 5 [1991]

103. Zinnemann, Fred 4 [1962]

104. Cronenberg, David 6 [1882]

105. Minnelli, Vincente 5 [1878]

106. Kiarostami, Abbas 7 [1804]

107. Van Sant, Gus 4 [1660]

Highest ranked directors for only one listed title:

1. Charles Laughton (10, Night of the Hunger)

2. Joseph L. Manckiewicz (41, All About Eve)

3. Gillo Pontecorvo (60, Battle of Algiers)

4. Curtis Hanson (61, L.A. Confidential)

5. John Frankenheimer (81, Manchurian Candidate)

Laughton's Night of the Hunter
Mitchum plays a demented preacher, so note
the church motif created with lighting here

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