Tuesday 10 July 2007

One rainy Sunday...

I think we've had more than a few rainy Sundays just lately, not to mention, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays etc! On just such a day a few weeks ago, I decided to turn my hand to a project I'd had in mind for a while. On one of my trips to a flea market, I'd bought an old wooden filing cabinet. It was painted white, with aluminium handles and was crying out for a transformation.

I had some 1940s wallpaper which I thought would be perfect, so I set to work!

It was a rather tricky job covering some of the corners but I got there in the end! I then had to find the right handles and settled on these milk glass grab handles, I think they finish it off nicely!

These drawers are destined for my new office but I think they look quite nice in my bedroom!

Have you been working on any 'rainy day' projects?

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