Tuesday 5 June 2007

Floral Bounty!

I thought I would share some pictures of my flower beds with you. We have multi-coloured sweet williams growing everywhere this year and they look wonderful amongst the foxgloves.

I was amazed at this pretty pink rose - it has been squashed between the surrounding buds! If you enlarge the second photo, you will see an unwelcome guest! (Well, unwelcome where I'm concerned - they are not my favourite creepy-crawly!)

I had a couple of special packages arrive today! The lovely handmade tags and beautiful cards are from Alison of Foxgloves and the gorgeous corsages are from Kim of Ragged Roses! I was overjoyed when I opened up their delightfully wrapped goodies! It's one thing to receive these beautiful handmade items from such talented ladies but the thought and care which goes into their presentation is just amazing! Thank you both very much!

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