Tuesday 23 September 2008

Autumn Days

Autumn has well and truly arrived and we have had some lovely golden days recently. I love the mellowness of Autumn, the misty mornings and the rich shades. One of my favourite poems is Ode to Autumn by Keats, you can read it here if you are not familiar with it.
Here are a few recent photos taken in the garden. Our raspberry canes have been prolific this year and I have enjoyed fresh raspberries for breakfast every morning for weeks now.
Amazingly, this young russet is no more than two years old and barely five foot high, yet it has been weighed down with the most succulent tasting apples!

I spotted this beautiful butterfly on a rotting apple and was quite taken with its rich, seasonal colours.

This little fellow is not one of my favourite Autumn visitors! These spiders always appear at this time of year and I often find myself walking into their webs when making my way down the garden first thing in the morning! Not a pleasant experience for someone who isn't too keen on spiders!

I am surprised how quickly the leaves are falling this year, there is a row of poplar trees near our garden and the leaves are falling so fast that have almost covered the grass - think we'll have to get the rake out this weekend!

We have had a very busy time here at Vintage Home; thank you to everyone for your custom and kind words. We've been updating the online shop on a regular basis so there is always something fresh to see every few days. A few of our recent finds are shown here, there's this charming print, what a bonnie baby!

This stunning handstitched Welsh quilt will keep out those Autumn chills!

The intricate patterns can be seen in all their glory on the pink reverse.

Here's some frivolous fun for you - a gorgeous vintage hat covered with purple pansies!

This super old French coffee pot has pretty roses decorating it!

That's just a taster of the recent additions, there will be many more to see over the coming days, including Victorian religious prints, another exceptional handstitched quilt and a variety of extra-special homewares and pretty china. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Friday 5 September 2008

The Latest Additions to the Vintage Home On-Line Shop!

What a wet and miserable start we've had to September - I had heard rumours of an Indian Summer, so let's hope this is just a glitch! There's nothing like being all warm and cosy indoors when the rain is lashing against the windows - and that's exactly where we've been this week, as we prepared for our latest website update! Yesterday saw the latest additions to the shop and once again, we've managed to find a wealth of gorgeous treasures for you! The beautiful Klein rose above is one of eight different floral Victorian chromo picture mounts - they are a really special find! As well as the pink roses, there are daisies...


...and lily of the valley - you will find another four of these beauties in the shop; violets, wallflowers, forget-me-nots and cyclamen - each one bearing Catherine's signature!

We've also added this beautiful French carnations tin...

...and this superb rare and very old Venetian-style tin - such a beauty!
There's a wonderful array of prints and original paintings - here is a rare find, an original watercolour by Helen Seddon, the colours are so pretty...

...and this lovely oil painting is a reminder of sunnier days!

This sweet Edwardian pen box is a particular favourite, what a delightful thing to see every day as you sit at your desk!

Thank you to everyone for your recent custom - your kind words and love of vintage spurs us on to find ever more beautiful and rare vintage treasures for you all. In fact, here is a taster of a special find, soon to be added to the website.
This is a large, Edwardian chromo print entitled 'Bunch of Roses' and comes from the very talented hand of Walter Ernest Webster. Look out for this, and many, many more goodies in the next few weeks!
Have a great weekend wherever you are; whatever you're doing - and whatever the weather!

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